well for the last two years i've been doing a bit of off-road racing in oklahoma and texas. a group of guys from texas formed a series called Extreme Desert Racing and made a few deals to race on private land in oklahoma and texas. the first race i participated in was near erick, oklahoma, i navigated for a buddy from D/FW in his 5/1600 bug.
the track was a 4

6 mile loop, about 20 trucks and buggies participated, including two trophy trucks, one from ponca city and the other from odessa texas.

we broke a torsion bar on the 3rd lap and dnf'ed. i also rode a lap in a buggy (the one behind the bug in the first picture).
next was a race in sweetwater, texas at the texana ranch, 180 miles on another loop track. again i rode in the 5/1600 bug. we broke another torsion bar in practice but john drove back to dallas to pick up some stock bars, i stayed at the track and stripped the car down, john returned at about 1 in the morning and we had the car back together at 3 am. the race started at 9 a.m. with an 8 hr. time limit. on the second lap the steering R&P broke loose and we limped back to the pits(20+ miles) to weld it up again. after that we had a bit of motor trouble, cleaned the weber jets out and were back in the dirt. unfornately we ran out of time and was about 15 minutes late to the checkered flag.
during the winter i updated my car with a fuel cell, window nets and new belts. the first race was back at sweetwater. i broke at MM 82 when i zigged when i should have zagged,hit a rock and broke the RF tierod.

here it is loaded up..

but at least i had my picture taken with the Hooters girls